Yaani am beginning to love this freelance style of writin. Honestly, i do have something in the works. But until then...
So, in the same newly acquired spirit
1.I am honored and flattered but honestly am not bloggin as Lucy/Roocy/Loose-say...and no am not disowning but to quote Jill Scott...i better back down before i get smacked down i better chill
On the same topic, I actually think her actions were to say the least, uncouth! If, at all she has a point,with her powers of FIRST LADY she could diplomatically put the press in place. If her war is with the media...surely she can tackle that headstong with non-ghetto manners!!! She can even use the same media to her advantage...i mean doesn't she have political advisor???(Too much West wing)...She shouldn't stoop down/or in her case rise up to the level she did. From shoving,confiscating items, holding people at ransom, hurling cheap insults( "ati who are u? do u even have university degrees, like my children?"), slapping, not forgettin that high pitched voice...she should know better. Quite frankly i expect better.
moving on...
2.However, i have thought of bloggin as some one else. I mean its workin great for Ms K
But she's honest about it...my question is how many people out there are bloggin as two people?? hmmm(cue the X-Files theme music....)
3.Speakin of which...on Sunday Night she posted her real picture and within hours she removed it.
Trust me fellows-she is all that and the Kenya Times!!! Grrr!!! Grrrrrr!!! Yaani, a ka-hottie! Ka-supuu! the kind u wanna take home and introduce to mummy and say "...see,what did i tell u? she is really beautifull...and pretty...even without her two lower teeth!"
Now being cunning, self-proclaimed KBW Bad-BOY, i saved the picture which has her pretty name on it as well.
Would u want to see it posted here as well? Trust me you'd wanna see our hot Ms K!
So, in the same newly acquired spirit
1.I am honored and flattered but honestly am not bloggin as Lucy/Roocy/Loose-say...and no am not disowning but to quote Jill Scott...i better back down before i get smacked down i better chill
On the same topic, I actually think her actions were to say the least, uncouth! If, at all she has a point,with her powers of FIRST LADY she could diplomatically put the press in place. If her war is with the media...surely she can tackle that headstong with non-ghetto manners!!! She can even use the same media to her advantage...i mean doesn't she have political advisor???(Too much West wing)...She shouldn't stoop down/or in her case rise up to the level she did. From shoving,confiscating items, holding people at ransom, hurling cheap insults( "ati who are u? do u even have university degrees, like my children?"), slapping, not forgettin that high pitched voice...she should know better. Quite frankly i expect better.
moving on...
2.However, i have thought of bloggin as some one else. I mean its workin great for Ms K
But she's honest about it...my question is how many people out there are bloggin as two people?? hmmm(cue the X-Files theme music....)
3.Speakin of which...on Sunday Night she posted her real picture and within hours she removed it.
Trust me fellows-she is all that and the Kenya Times!!! Grrr!!! Grrrrrr!!! Yaani, a ka-hottie! Ka-supuu! the kind u wanna take home and introduce to mummy and say "...see,what did i tell u? she is really beautifull...and pretty...even without her two lower teeth!"
Now being cunning, self-proclaimed KBW Bad-BOY, i saved the picture which has her pretty name on it as well.
Would u want to see it posted here as well? Trust me you'd wanna see our hot Ms K!
1. You know for a split second I had also believed you were blogging as Lucy..
2. I didn't see Ms K picture. By the time I had logged she had taken it down. Why? How could I miss this opportunity.
3. Nick, ati you are threatening to post picha za watu wengine? You know I can say the same to you...don't mess with Cousin K
4. That said, if a person approached you and offered to trade anything of your choice in exchange for a copy of a photo of Ms K...would you be willing to trade?
5. Have you noticed how our family is growing?
yeah ti now kuna uncle torments...people are just stealin my thunder...i was there first and now they all wanna follow me...and the way i had to meet scrutiny wit the college of mshairi...
Haiya, when did the Uncle torments biz occur? Why am I out of loop??
Good looking out gal!!
Just ask me I'll
You do know that i know where you live don'tcha? Don'tcha?!!
But thanks for all the nice stuff you said! *blush blush*
And are you accusing me of being a schizo???
And damn I forgot that pic had my name on it!!! Ok what's your price??
There is no need to be jealous, nephew. My heart is big enough for you and the rest:-)
You threaten Ms. K and someone else will threaten you (people in glass houses..blah, blah:-)
Don't worry prettyniece, I know what to do if he posts your photo!
Dude, ni mimi unaita Jekyll and Hyde?????? Eh ma, consider this a declaration of war!
Nick, can we start a picket line for that photo of Ms K to be reinstated. She is hot, and I am a gal.
@Ms K - we are sending the photo-police to cruise the waves for it, and when they do, we shall not be asking for permission to put it back up.
@MJY - you have been hanging around Nick too long,you are starting to make lists.
@Nick/MJY - what are uncle torments, who's in them etc?
ROFLMAO!! Comment of the month:
"@Nick/MJY - what are uncle torments, who's in them etc?" - guessauras (2005)
Guess please meet Uncle Torments
LMAO!! ati "who's in them etc?
Is it clear to come out now!
I do have my helmet on!
Well what was funny was how Lucy went to cause for guys of Nation carrying a copy of the Standard.Anyway I hear that mathee has enough mental problems the sooner Kibaki is out of office the better.
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