Saturday, May 14, 2005

Nick meets Ms K

Finally the Spiderman met Lisa Simpson yesterday. This is the third blogger I have met so far and am still counting. This was the first female blogger I’ve met, and she ain’t bad at all. and as you read the rest of the post you will see why the pleasure was all mine....

Nbi West

Yesterday Friday the 13th
1:00pm though Ms K reached at 1:47pm

1. To discuss territorial ground on Mshairi’s family. I was there first, hakuna cha stealing my thunder.
2. Swapping of desparately seeked DVD’s that Spidey had(courtesy of Patron Saint) that Lisa woulda killed for.
3. Lunch Date. Though she actually stood me up coming late and all. (Can u imagine first date and am kept waiting...could i be more of a loser???)
4. Any other business…cough cough cough

Initial Reaction:

Spidey: (seated behind his desk looking debonair…wondering where or what to look at in a deep, intellectual, reflective look.)
Lisa: (Elegantly walks in exhuding charisma.)
Spidey: (thinking inside) Wow!! Wowie!!! What a beautiful smile and a lovely pair of…er…teeth!
Lisa: (thinking out loud…and laughing out loud) Damn, You DO have a babyface!
Spidey: Drat!!!
Lisa: (Still pointing and laughing. Short of falling on her back and kicking bicycle-kicks in the air while thumping her fists by her side. Am talking about hysterical giggles. Tears rolling down her eyes, blurring her vision, I had to aid her to a chair. She’s choking in laughter…)
Spidey: (Dumbfounded and evidently not amused!)

This babe is gorgeous.
This babe has one of those rich, creamy, husky voices that Toni B/Anita Baker/Ja Rule would envy to have. Not too raspy to clean an oven but hoarse enough to make you wanna listen out for more.
Of course she swore( a.k.a choke-hold) me to secrecy not to reveal anything else. However we decided to blog about it so you could read her version as well.

Endearing traits:
-she had me pinned to enough eye staring contests.
-she has this thing of lookin looney with her eyes. She makes them go round like some cartoon character-totally sweet!

Questions she asked: How old are you? Are you Single? Are you the first born, middle or last? What you do for fun?

Answers she replied: That’s OMAR calling, so stop staring at me that way! No, I will not lend give you my “da vinci code” novel. No, we cannot meet again! I shall from now on live vicariously through you!

Insults she hurled: You’re sweet and cute!!! (pass me a vomitus bucket!)

Did I make an impression?: Hell yeah!!
-I had her laughing at first site. (You’d think that would shatter my self esteem-NOT with what am paying my therapist!)
-she stifled a yawn just once.
-glanced at her watch just twice
-during one of my many stories she read the newspaper and even asked for a pen to do the crossword!
-offered to escort her to which she adamantly refused “PASS me my damn DVD’s.”
ok am kidding, she was like “No, no,no…don’t bother, am just fine. This has been lovely…have a nice life!”

Meeting again: You better believe it. So my ego insists.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope u dint take her to one ur favourite kiosks behind ur 4 ms K----FLEECE THE DENTIST!

5/14/2005 12:25 PM  
Blogger moggaless said...

Gosh you didn't even offer here anything to drink...even a cold fanta even when we all know how hot friday was....

Am appalled by your anti african behaviour....

5/14/2005 3:50 PM  
Blogger Afromusing said...

cutebabyface, this was interesting, i am off to go read ms K's version!

5/14/2005 4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sasa wewe!!! Aki you're such a fibber but its ok cos you're SO sweet!!!

Girls, you gotta see this one!! Trust me!

5/14/2005 4:58 PM  
Blogger Ms K said...

Sweetie, aki I'm sorry I haven't blogged. For some reason, I can't post anything from the cyber I'm at. Will do as soon as possible though.

5/14/2005 5:26 PM  
Blogger Afromusing said...

take ur time ms K, looking forward to it tho!

5/14/2005 6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Nicko has a baby face...That of an Ugly baby. As Ms K says, Girls you gotta see this one!! Its a whole new species of whatever it is.
You won't know wether to laugh, cry, feel pity or a mixture of all the above emotions.

Daud El Rude(Iko Nini!!)

5/14/2005 7:20 PM  
Blogger Spidey/Tato said...

@lieura-we shhhh don't reveal too much bout my cheap dating skills
@lifemoments-u come late no fanta for u
@afromusing-even i cant wait for her version.i didnt impress her much-shania style
@MsK-fibber? who me?
@cilia-we did have a ball!!! atleast she did laughing all the way to the bank

5/14/2005 7:27 PM  
Blogger Spidey/Tato said...

daud ur cruising for a bruising...careful i might post a photo i have of urs from coast trip-to take blog wars to a whole new level

5/14/2005 7:44 PM  
Blogger Migz said...

Aha! Found the blog, Nick!

This babe has one of those rich, creamy, husky voices that Toni B/Anita Baker/Ja Rule would envy to have...

NKN! (Nacheka kwa Nguvu) at Ja Rule! Sounds like he could enlist some voice coaching from Ms K to salvage his shytty career

Cant wait to soma this storo from a Ms K pointaview...

5/14/2005 7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL@ Ja Rule...

I really can't wait to read Ms K's version.

As for this whole family business...what was the outcome?

5/14/2005 8:27 PM  
Blogger Ka said...

Bwahaha@Jarule,you're soo silly!

5/14/2005 8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agenda item 1: To discuss territorial ground on Mshairi’s family.

I am curious too and want to know what was agreed.

5/15/2005 2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet again umeandika kama expert wa script, for real Nick you should tengeneza a soap opera - "Mtaa Wa Blogu" or "Blogini Wiki Hii"

ps:- who are the other bloggers you've met?

5/15/2005 6:42 PM  
Blogger Farmgal said...

Watch your back Nick, Omar's reading this you know.
Babyface Huh!

Waiting for Ms K's version sana!

5/15/2005 11:24 PM  
Blogger Nyakehu said...

Yeah Nephew I am another one curious about the first item of the agenda. How does it feel to meet your fellow blogger. By the way Daud why are you so spiteful about our dearest?

5/16/2005 2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL@daud el rude...@nick blog wars attack of the babyface??

can't wait ms k's take on the meeting.

5/16/2005 8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Nyakehu
Si kwa roho mbaya. Ni kwa roho safi. I am keeping Nicko's ego in check. It has a tendancy to expand at a rate proportional to his girth.....squared.
I am trying to keep him straight before he declares himself king of the blog world, last king of scotland, conquerer of the British and Kenyan Empire and all that appertain to it!( I swear I have heard him use those exact words to describe himself)

Daud El Rude(Kwa roho safi)

5/17/2005 5:20 AM  
Blogger Sauti Radio said...

Maze I've been out of touch, eh? Good to see some people are actually meeting. I was almost branded "cute" for life so in my early teens I went on a twelve-step course to rid myself of the title (Nick are you taking notes?). I think I succode (what is the past tense of succeed again?)
I think guys think that if considered cute they will not get action. Not true.

5/17/2005 9:57 AM  
Blogger Ms K said...

LOL Daud!!! Yani you just crack me up!! So its how with that blog???

5/17/2005 1:27 PM  
Blogger Farmgal said...

I dont envy whoever was sitting in Nick's chair before and after the meeting. Did you pull afew good teeth Nick?

Daud el rude hebu blog tafadhali!

5/17/2005 1:52 PM  
Blogger Guessaurus said...

I am so late in this that I am hanging head in shame,but hey!!

Love the way you've put it Nick(y)-you should write something for the world to digest (sorry, does that crash with your dental hygiene etiquette?)
I am biased cos I got through Ms K's version first, but I love yours - and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being labelled "Sweet", although I am a gal :)

Pictures, pictures, is all i say!!!

5/17/2005 2:13 PM  
Blogger Spidey/Tato said...

the girl knows where she belongs up in this family tree

don't be fooled daud idolises and worships the ground i walk on...infact thats whu he cant even blog on his own(think that will work???)

u stay tuned utaona blogs of our lives soon.

asi ata wewe-brothers got to stick together damn it

u have heard ur fans beggin u to blog

and as for many personalities am beginnin to wonder if YOU are not one of them hmmmmm

proportional to my girth...weh weren;t u suspended in high school for ur lil peeping tom escapades in the changing rooms. (LMAO!!!!)

unleash them 12 steps to non cute

ngoja i feel u in on friday's date-if and when she turns up

@ms k
trust me ur voice is the bomb.
Spidey cant wait for next rendezvous

5/17/2005 8:09 PM  
Blogger Girl in the Meadow said...

I am having difficulties believing this,

5/18/2005 11:57 AM  
Blogger SHOBALI said...

This was so interesting to read, kinda makes me wanna find out other bloggers in my zipcode.

Nik,when they say baby face at times they mean they like!
When is meeting # 2?


5/21/2005 1:29 AM  

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