Antipathy towards Sports.
First and foremost thank you all for wishing me a happy blogversary wishes. Hope you enjoyed the party and the food with lots of soft drinks. Thank you for the gifts and the cards and for turning up.
Some of you made requests which we shall get down to.
Milo had requested a post on irritations in the movie theatre and TeeJay requested a post about the new JAMES BOND:both have been covered-at Couch ‘tato Blog (It is hard work trying to promote 2 blogs I’m telling you)
Msanii-who was taking sometime out to decompress made it back in time and asked for a post on my antipathy to sports.
Akiey the picture-guy and Afromusing were musing over the thought of me posting a pic of myself.
Kipepeo batted her lashes and fluttered her wings asked for a re-edited earlier post…
Haidhuru challenged me to post assuming I was posting anonymously…hmm that’s a good one ebu u guys invite me to post on your blogs as yourselves incognito.
So let’s work on Msanii’s first as I get a suitable pic to post very soon of none other than me!
Antipathy towards sports.
Oxford defines antipathy as deep seated aversion or dislike and it defines sport as a game or competitive activity especially an outdoor one involving physical exertion.
In my defense, in my younger, less self-conscious days, I loved taking part in sports. I was all pro-sports. I was drawn to it like kids were to my Break container!
But it turned out you needed more than a good spirit to be accepted by your peers/p.e teachers. I was fat and proud. I’d like to send a big shout out to all my peeps at ‘ENORMOUS ANONYMOUS.’ I was not fat in a bad way-not that kind of obesity but I wasn’t the fastest/quickest or lightest for that matter. But just as heavy as I was, I was heavy in team spirit and determination. I never gave up. I was jolly, saw the humor in many a scenario…and I kept on going. I was the fat little engine that could... Wouldn’t forget to carry my P.E costume- Go RED HOUSE!!!! and my Power Shoes. I was always all set to go…the mind, body and soul were willing-but nature was against me!
Where do we begin?
Teams:When it came to picking teams…and we’d start with two captains…for some reason I would end up getting picked last. Did I mention that the adidas that we were playing with was mine?! At that time, thank God, I had no self esteem and I’d always keep coming back for more insults. So guys would play the ball, I’d get chengwad, no one would pass the ball to me…but at least they had a good time! Even when i was told to seat by the sidelines...and enjoy the game-i was all for it! Same time the following day i'd carry the football and...
Cops and Robbers:In time, I realized my participation in sports was also a source of amusement for others. I had mentioned earlier how when playing Cops and robbers: the girls would always come to catch the easiest target-practically come giggling and skipping -totally effortless...and then guys would show off their flighty skills as they accomplished daring maneuvers while rescuing the solo prisoner in jail. I think everyone was ok with that arrangement. The whole game was basically “Let’s go catch ‘Nyama’” and “Let’s go save ‘Nyama’”
And I’d get saved and run off helter skelter hoping to one day save my victor…and off I'd go running terribly fast with the determination of a freed slave..tasting freedom with new found hopes and dreams... only to be caught 7steps later.
Shake. Middle Line was a no-no for me…and damn it was the best line. I was always let to hold the last line. Of course when we lost somehow it happened to be my fault. Oh and when it was our turn to play- I’d get the privilege of shaking the hand and would receive stern instructions not to enter. So I’d chill there...then decide what the hell… Only to hear “3 in a box you’re out” Yup, my bad!
3sticks. Being the considerate people my friends were, they would use me as the yardstick for measurement. So I’d jump and set the limits for the game…and they’d start from there. The dumb thing was having set those boundaries myself; for sure you know I couldn’t jump further than that! But they were gracious to allow me to jump 2-3more steps while the rest jumped just the twice.
I’m telling you I learnt the art of being accommodated into every game. From being given head starts. Excuses being made for me…
Football: I was defender of choice. One cause I’d kick the ball as far as I could when it got to me. And it didn’t involve much risk. I’d just stay there with the goalkeeper and just pass time. Heck he’d reassure me not to worry. However when the goal was scored: either I had distracted the goalie or didn’t defend!
Train-Train: Where you have like 15 or so boys in train formation. You would wrap you sweater round the boy in front of you and hold the sweater by the sleeves. And the head of the train would then run in different directions and the goal was to keep up and not let go off the sweater. So every corner he turned at whatever speed you had to be there. Is that enough orientation now back to my problems….I could never be the head because I was too slow. I could never be in the middle because again I was too slow and would eventually break the train. So, I’d end up in the end and when a sharp corner was hit…off I’d go at a tangent to land disgracefully and dishevelled in a heap at a nearby bench…and upon recovery I’d see my train off in the distance and no one would even glance back to see if 'Nyama' had broken something..perhaps a wrist? leg? the bench?
Bench to Bench: Now in the eating playground we had numerous benches. How this game was played, was that the leader(again not me) would jump with the least number of steps from bench to bench and the rest would have to make the same number of steps or less. So the boys would get their Carl Lewis sprintin,(what was that arrogant guy's name from Trinidad and Tobago-Oto Baldwin??? that swaggered around in tight speedos????) antelope hopping fevers on as I followed around holding their sweaters.
I had given it a try once…was doing mighty fine till I slipped and had a bench connect with my shin…AINT NO PAIN like a shin-bench kiss!!!!
Swimming. Ok,at least this was something which I was as good as the others. Comparing many didn’t learn to swim at an early age. Probably from over-reliance on floaters…I didn’t have that luxury since I couldn’t fit into any floater. An attendant at Ebrahim’s had suggested I use a tyre-tube. The freaking nerve! Either that or those semi circular floaters that had dinosaurs or duck heads…so this tub of lard learnt how to swim the hard way-by himself.
Despite belly flops! Struggling to get out of the pool! Swallowed Bermuda Trunks! Revealed butt cracks! I actually held my own in swimming. In fact I was one of the first daring kids to jump off the highest spring board. The swimming instructor had warned us to keep our legs together lest we burst our balls. (in her exact words!) And off I jumped, with pals cheering from below. It was the longest 5-6seconds of my life.
P.E. If it was a running competition I’d always lose. If it was hitting laps…jog…jog…jog…pant…jog…pant…pant…pant-ok where do I sit down? If it was a relay, the team was gonna lose! If guys were asked to do 20 press-ups I'd be asked to do 10. If people were busy playing i was busy getting send to get another teacher or something non-sportish.
Changing rooms. After double P.E or triple swimming we’d come together and change back. We all shared in the art of hiding prized privates. Initially from Std 1-3 we’d change stark exposed, dangling free, and whistling tunes.
Come Std 4-onwards. Techniques were developed. Especially post swimming.
It would get so nasty that wiping was not an option and you’d even just wear the swimming costume as your underwear and leave wet-butt prints on your shorts. Boy there is no greater agony than hoping you get dry quick as with each step, was a moist, frictionless slip and slide that was eerie and uncomfy.
Surprisingly, there was a fine line between hiding cause you are shy/ its inappropriate to display nudity or cause you were embarrassed and really had something to hide!!!. So if you were to change wearing a long shirt in front of the whole class- that was being shy or being uncomfortable...but if you were to wrap yourself round with a towel and enter a room to change- you were embarrassed and hiding something. Yup, if you hadnt sprouted pubics as others were pluckin as C.S.I evidence-grab that towel! Ha, even those who had had the cut would have towel moments in primary then in secondary roles were reversed...ha memories.
So no guesses as to where porky would change? You got it-outside the changing room, behind the structures by the trees. You'd see a huge shadow with shaking leaves..then i'd emerge!
As a result of all the humiliation and joking…what else was I to do but start avoiding the whole sport scenario in total…slowly by slowly I started having notes. Once the swimming teacher was teaching us diving techniques-and damn it I was getting pretty good too. Until I heard, “Hey Fatso! Where are you going?” That’s the last time I attended swimming lesson back in 1993-and to think I had even signed up for lifesaving course for P.A scheme. I actually have never!!!!
So ultimately, I did less and less of sports…did all other extracurricular activities except sports. And as the story ends, Msanii, that is how I reached that zone of certain dislike…aversion towards sports.
But I will say I play a really good Table Tennis game…and come time for Nyabs/Bano…I was a crack shot…or did I mean I’d’ crack my shorts bending. The spirit is still willing…but I know better!